Walkthrough for the main quiz. I believe it is correct.
- saqwert
- jester
- tox
- Wriggle
- 19
- Xenomit
- sekhem
- Sense-Offender
- Dr-Worm
- 18
- Sevkat
- supergandhi64
- supergandhi64
- supergandhi64
- supergandhi64
- supergandhi64
- supergandhi64
- supergandhi64
- 5 (I swear this is a mistake since I counted 7 awards unless he means first places only)
- stafffighter
- ZJ
- MrSoxFan
- yurgenburgen
- Amaranthus
- 24901 (Pretty sure this is what he is asking for)
- Gagsy
- Stamper
- Rummy0 Emma
- Shibe
- Master Creator
- JRob Luer
- poxpower
- Asandir
- FromADistance
- Bahamut
- Exudaz
- QualityX
- Opinions
- CyberDevil
- 42
Wow, if I hadn't played it once already... this is a really good list, thanks for putting it up! It's too long though, and I'll make sure the next one he does isn't over a dozen questions!